Lookup Lookup

An easy portable windows application that finds all installed Network interface cards (NIC) installed on your PC and get your card's vendor name.

NIC vendor lookup Application

List all NICs on my system

Once you open the application it will start scanning your system for any installed NIC on it.

NIC vendor lookup Application

Once you can see all your NICs Listed please click Find Vendors button and wait for loading your cards vendors names.

Click button

That's it ;)

Click button

System requirements

.NET frame work 3.5 or Higher
Windows XP+




Version 0.4
Added : Detect USB Network Adapter
Fixed : Fall back to on-chip manufacturer (Fake Mac address!)
Fixed : Minor bugs 
Version 0.3
Added: Network Card Type
Version 0.2
Fixed: List all network interfaces including wifi.
Fixed: Crash if no internet access.
Vesrsion 0.1 
First Release